
10:1 Ratio

10:1 Ratio

LPI Grids 103, 10:1 ratio

Anti-scattering grids are used to improve radiographic results.
The x-ray grid captures the scattered radiation that passes through it to let only the radiation of the primary beam.
There are many types of grids in many formats suitable for each use and type of examination (lungs, pelvis, spine, bedplate, veterinary use, etc.)
The spacings of the anti-scattering grids are pure aluminum, which allows a good ratio of absorption between the lines and spaces for better images quality.

Focused grids are used in case the location of the tube and the centering of the cassette are guaranteed, as for taking shots on a wall stand or a bucky.
The focused grids ensure a perfect homogeneity of optical density and contrast between the center of the image and the edges of the image.
It is recommended not to exceed the 10:1 ratio in order not to increase the patient dose unnecessarily.
The working distance must be specified when ordering. Up to 36x43cm, the recommended focal distance is 110cm.

- 40 Lines per cm
- Focused Lines
- Ratio between lines 10:1 (10 times the height between two lines for once the width between two lines)
- Grid thickness: Approx. 3mm